Saturday 2 June 2012

Malta diary

Pictures are here! One more time big thanks for my girl Roosa. (See you soon! I know you can't wait to go out in Finland!) So here you go:

It's not really perfect without those few pictures we took during the first days (I really curse that person who stole my camera - It's not even a good one!) But I hope you'll enjoy it. This was now my sixth time in Malta. Hopefully I'll be back there next year again.

And I knooow I didn't put any pictures of our nights out, but I thought it's better If I don't. Only thing I'll say that my good friend Jack Dan is saying hi. (And when theres no better -cheap whiskey with warm cola is totally fine.)

Ps. Just giving you a tip: If you having party night in Paceville, and a guy is asking you to Rocky beach, I would say no. I was been told this on my first time in Paceville by a maltese friend. But during the day time Rocky beach is lovely place to hang out!


  1. Been out for three nites already...

  2. Hieno idea, sun pitää tehdä tollasia kuvakollaaseja joskus toistekin. :)

    1. Kiitos :) Joo aina sillon ku ei oo mahiksii käydä koneella välissä ja ahdan useemman päivän tapahtumat samaan postaukseen :)
